Ode to Mountain and Mount Kilimanjaro

(Asante Sana means thank you very much in the Swahili Language)
Every mountain is different and deserves to be respected, in that reverence Mount Kilimanjaro you have got my highest respect!

On top of Mount Kilimanjaro

It has been told that the essence of life is to Live in the present; when we walk that mountain sometimes we curse ourselves for considering the proposition during its inception! sometimes we praise ourselves for taking up and doing the undulating task! But most of the time we did nothing but present at that time and at that moment during each passing moment in that mountain! 
Asante for making us aware of the importance of the present moment!

Some of us climb solo, some of us climb in groups, some of us as a stranger in a group, and some with their loved ones. Ironically, during the climb, it is just the mountain and us! And our breath is our only companion up and on the hills! 
Asante for making us realise the self-love is essential to understand the love we hold for others (or vice versa) and recognise the importance of the loved ones in each of our lives!

Sometimes we might have wondered how aged the trees might be! How ancient the rocks could be! How many years does the stream been running in that riverine! How old could be that tarn! Science can give us the answers but nature can teach us to achieve it and we will learn not if we just ask, but if we listen. If we listen we will admire how calm the surroundings are! That Calmness is the key.

During trail walks the sheer magnitude of the mountain makes us feel as if the trail never ends! What appears like an end just turns around into some more trail or what appears as crux just grows up further above or dives below! It makes us feel as if we are the only beings moving on that terrain, though we know in reality everything moves.
Asante for teaching us we can maintain a calm composure even amidst the chaos!

It has been said that what breaks you is what makes you! If that is true, I have been remade on that sixth day!

Asante Sana Kilimanjaro, you have reminded me of what it takes to endure!

Asante Sana to @kilimanjaro_heroes_adventures for feeding us good food every day and providing us with water even though it took you guys Herculean effort to carry them from afar!

Asante for putting tents in the cold and rainy evenings, it kept us warm! 
Asante for taking care of all our needs on time! even if it means putting yourself in discomfort!

Asante for carefully guiding us!

Asante for everything! 
Asante Sana!


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